MIBO soul is about people
Pavel Werner
CEO, manager, foreign and domestic sales, HR
The best planner, walking calculator, strategist, business relations maker, cool head, cordial and straightforward person.
LOFT, PADRE, Central Brain of MIBO, Lighthouse and Gate Keeper.
He has awkwardly great both short term and long term memory, he is a fair guy and also a severe mediator. One of the few who can separate private life from the business. Proud father and a perfect husband.
He is the active brain of all the operations, and a keen runner, swimmer, sauner, fitness centers lover... who happens to love good food, good books and good music. Also a good friend and analyst of situations, preacher and confessor.

Lucie Werner ———ová
Fridge, cakeshop, pork cans, goulash and deli lover. Professional sofa tester, gourmet and a food liquidator.
Her life motto is "I live to eat."
And she is also perfect at customer service, invoices, orders, organizing, messaging, leveling, balancing, assisting to anyone. Fan of women muscles, liberal, movie watcher, life lover, and also introvert. People´s character meter. And her blankets are alive, for some reason.

Martin Kapusta - Killi
A man who can do everything
Photographer, webmaster, production manager, PC wizard, bike wrecker and stories. Character trait: Whatever he sets his mind to, he succeeds, smart, self-sacrificing, who can stand up for others and himself, quiet water grinds the banks, fast, precise and reliable.
A Beskydy´s revolutionary, a bit of a lawyer, an exemplary son and a good friend who traveled South America and tasted roasted guinea pigs.
Passionate mountain hiker, traveler, leader of children's camps. A boy who never spoils a joke, he gives out smiles because he doesn't see a problem in anything. He likes to enjoy good beer, wine and good spirits.
Stable, set and a little bit of a bug. A good driver and a good worker. Indispensable.

Deputy production manager
Sign : ARIES
Character Trait: the refiner and filer of process complications, bearer of good humor, rationality, high organization, channelizer of panic and stone face of static in production chaos.
Orientation runner in the field of production processes. Stubborn personality with features of an indomitable Wallachian stoner. Lifesaver.
Supermother of twins. Wonder Woman, devourer of pizza and kilometers on a scooter, passionate walking mom. A great cook, a dedicated soul under the constellation of the Little Bear.
Lover of life, food and moments.

Břeťa Michálek
(1955 - 2020)
Owner of the organization, developer, explorer, adventurer, positivist.
He is able to order absolutely anything from the above, starting with good people surrounding him up to health and good humour. He is the undrying well of stories and experiences.
Variety, stubbornness, bullheadedness and unbelievable vitality. Filtration of the perceptions, keeping only the positive ones. Developer, visionary, grandfather and a school boy in one person. He loves challenges - he spent a week in darkness, he was on a hunger strike for a month, he was in Mongolia hitchhiking, he tried parachute jumping, he went to Santiago on a kickscooter.
This guy is a seducer with a curly hair who loves hiking, skiing, crosscountry skiing, sauna, badminton, volleyball, tennis. He built a wooden house himself and he is a real handyman. This one is a hedonistic flegmatic who flows through his life as a wild river... and he can brake some stones on his way. Gate Keeper who checks alertness of his people.
He is prone to alternative, loves colloidal silver, spends half a year in shorts and most of the year barefoot. Cold alert: if Břeťa wears shoes, it´s -15°C. Also, he´s immortal Adonis.